
Monday, March 10, 2008

Valentine's Day 2008 Eujin love PohLai

To her, I was never romantic; Today, I show my effort to make this moment, a memorable moment to her.

I Love you...forever.

wFeb08 197
wFeb08 192
wFeb08 205
wFeb08 202
wFeb08 209
wFeb08 210
wFeb08 211
wFeb08 189

Thursday, March 06, 2008

CNY 2008 visiting in Kuala Lumpur

Visiting family members during CNY in KL is an annual event.

This is also the time where the traffic is smooth in the city. Visiting made easy.

wFeb08 006-e

wFeb08 002-e

wFeb08 001-e

wFeb08 011-e

wFeb08 020-e

wFeb08 014-e

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Jonker Street during the CNY festive - 2

Feb08 053-ew
Herba tea to quench your thirst after hours of walking.

Feb08 057-ew

Feb08 054-ew

Feb08 067-ew
Geographer Cafe - one of the many pubs you will not miss in Jonker Street.

Feb08 077-ew
Even a bistro name Tranquerah, selling Malacca traditional Malay food, HALAL.

This are the few shots that I FS-ed, tell me your comments.

Jonker Street during the CNY festives - 1

Jonker street - one of the not-to-miss place in Malacca, and at all time, not-to-be-miss during CNY festive.

The hawkers still operates even on the second day of CNY, surprisingly the street is crowded with people.

I managed to take some photo despite of the unbalanced lighting (spot-lights, neon lighting and red lanterns. Haha, trying to avoid too much red exposed in my photos are extremely difficult)

Some photos,

Feb08 044-ew
What? My sister is missing, my father is not posing and my nephew turned...

Feb08 046-ew
Ok, now is better.

Feb08 050-ew
I like this shot, and I think was the best shot I get from Jonker street, although the lighting is quite dim. The shadows made it more...3D?

Feb08 060-ecw
Ladies shopping for accessories.

Feb08 063-ew

Feb08 066-ew

Feb08 065-ew

Feb08 070-ew
Handsome guy from the street...

Feb08 072-ew
Hungry, muah ci.

Feb08 073-ew
Yummy yummy.

CNY 2008 in Malacca - 3

Introducing, my mother,

Feb08 036-ew

Feb08 041-ew
My mother loves kids

I am still new to photo editing, I know that the lightings are terrible, but I did my best.

CNY 2008 in Malacca - 2

Family members from the Tan family,

Feb08 032-ew
Nephew: Youngest from left to right.

Feb08 034-ew
Feb08 033-ecw

They are so cute, I can't help myself to made this kung fu post,
Feb08 038-ecw

CNY 2008 in Malacca - 1 Small note: CNY = Chinese New Year

This year was like always, celebrating our family reunion in Malacca (pronouns as "Melaka" in Malay).

Some of the photos of the family members (Gan's family)
Feb08 022-ew

Feb08 029-ew

Feb08 030-ew

Feb08 025-ew

Feb08 031-ew